Asia Pacific continues to lead the global rubber industry

According to recent research data from the International Rubber Research Organization (IRSG), in 2006, the Asia-Pacific region has regained the leadership of the world's natural rubber industry.

Although Thailand has undergone successive military coups, it continues to be the largest natural rubber producer in the world in 2006; China is the world’s leading consumer of natural rubber and synthetic rubber. In terms of synthetic rubber, it has also followed the United States. The world’s second largest producer.

From the aspect of natural rubber production, the planting area did not increase from 1975 to 2005, but the production per unit area has increased significantly. This is the main factor for the increase of total production in the Asia Pacific region.

In terms of synthetic rubber, China's growth rate in 2006 was 13.4%, and its total output was 18.9 million tons, which was 15% higher than Japan's. It became the second largest producer after the United States and had a catch-up trend.

In terms of rubber consumption, the Asia-Pacific region also leads the world. China has now become the world's largest consumer of rubber. Similarly, Japan is the world’s leading rubber consumer.